Empowering and educating kūpuna
Nā Kūpuna Makamae Community Center
Na Kupuna Makamae Center is a project of Pacific Gateway Center. It provides innovative, quality services and programs dedicated to our seniors, their families, and community that will empower, educate, enlighten, and entertain. These programs address the critical needs of seniors and their caregivers as well as improve the quality of life for all. Driven and led by kūpuna for kūpuna, Nā Kūpuna Makamae will be at the forefront of caring for and enabling Hawai'i's seniors.
Empowering Seniors & Connecting Generations
Nā Kūpuna Makamae Community Center
A project of Pacific Gateway Center
653 Ala Moana Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 773-7047 (ext 1)
NKMC Coordinator, Carmen Lee: carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org
Parking Lot Entrance on Keawe Street
A Significant Beginning
Over the years, PGC’s growth reflects successful outcomes of our programs that respond to the compelling needs of our community. Based on such achievement, PGC was awarded $1,000,000 by the State Legislature to restore the historic pump station in Kaka‘ako owned by the state of Hawaii, located at 653 Ala Moana Boulevard (corner of Ala Moana Boulevard and Keawe Street in Kaka‘ako). Given the dramatic increase in Hawaii’s aging population and to grapple with the needs of this rapidly-growing constituency, PGC is excited about converting this pump station to a resource and training center for seniors, called the Na Kūpuna Makamae (NKM). In the Hawaiian language, Nā Kūpuna Makamae means “the beloved seniors." When asked why he supported the PGC’s proposal for the pump station, Hawaii Community Development Authority Executive Director, Anthony Ching stated “this is the most credible public purpose” for the facility. The $1,000,000 grant will be utilized to restore the pump station, and private foundation funding to support programming.
The Center officially opened on September 9, 2016.
Weekly Programs at NKM include:
Tai Chi
QiGong & Mindfulness
Lauhala Weaving
Hawaiian Knowledge Courses
Lei Making/Pua Culture
Tech Savvy Seniors
and more!
For more information, visit our website at nakupunamakamae.org.