Unaccompanied Children Program (UCP)
Providing holistic legal and social services to unaccompanied immigrant youth in Hawaii.
The Unaccompanied Children Program seeks to provide free, high-quality universal legal representation to all unaccompanied immigrant youth in Hawaii.
How to Access Services (Eligibility Criteria):
Under 18 years old
Have been designated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) as an unaccompanied child
Released to a sponsor living in the state of Hawaii
Please contact UCP staff at the contact information listed below to schedule an appointment
Staff are fluent in Spanish and have access to a wide network of interpreters in virtually any language.
Key Services or Activities:
Removal defense/representation in immigration court
Representation in family court for Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS) orders
Applications with USCIS for asylum, SIJS, U- and T-visas
Connecting you to medical, psychological, educational, and other community services
How to Partner or Support
Your kind donation would significantly help our project.
We appreciate opportunities to collaborate with government agencies, community organizations, corporations, and other actors in civil society to support this project to benefit unaccompanied immigrant youth in Hawaii. You can join us by providing resources or becoming sponsors.
We welcome volunteers to support our project. please reach out to us
Contact Information
Point of Contact: Kara Teng, Managing Attorney
Office Location: 723C Umi Street, Honolulu, HI 96819
Operating Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ucp@pacificgatewaycenter.org and the phone number: (808) 978-4520